Our Impact
The Why
A review of the 2020 census reveals that what has been reported as a mass exodus of CT young people has mostly been a drop in white birth rates. At the same time, a diverse talented homegrown first-generation-to-college population has grown exponentially.
Business Solution
With 86% of NHP scholars returning to the Greater New Haven region post graduation, Promise’s Back New Haven is the solution to a talent shortage articulated by regional industry exacerbated by drop in birth rate, impact of Covid-19, and the great resignation.
DataHaven Community Wellbeing Index 2023
- New Haven residents with college degree make $30k more than non-degree residents
- BIPOC residents are severely underrepresented in higher income track positions
- BIPOC residents in higher income careers make less than white residents with the same job
- BIPOC residents face significant job barriers, the main one being social connections with individuals in higher income careers
- The Back New Haven Initiative is a systemic intervention designed to meet the city and business needs for a diverse homegrown talent pipeline that will drive the regional economy, strengthen neighborhoods, and create sustainable opportunities for New Haven’s young adults.
- Back New Haven will provide a significant return on invested youth, help them fulfill their “full Promise”, and build intergenerational wealth for the Elm City’s most vulnerable yet talented population.