College Graduation Outcomes

New Haven Promise graduation rate, which tops 65% for students who attended four-year colleges, outpaces national rates in every measure. Virtually every segment of students – disaggregated by race, household income or parent education – attains a graduation rate above 60 percent.

Graduation Rate In Bachelor’s Programs

Promise Makes A Difference

  • A student who qualifies for New Haven Promise is 3.5 times more likely to earn a bachelor’s degree than a student who does not.
  • Promise qualifiers are 1.5 times more likely to enroll in college or university directly after high school.
  • Promise qualifiers are 1.4 times more likely to persist into a second year of college or university.
  • 80% of all scholarship funds that Promise disbursed have resulted directly into a bachelor’s degree.

Graduation Rate Disaggregated

Disparities in college graduation rates persist among student groups with varying household incomes, parental education levels, and high school GPAs.

Promise Graduation Rate Leaderboards

High School College Graduation Rate
Career 79.0%
ESUMS 72.7%
Sound 72.1%
Common Ground 71.4%
NH Academy 71.4%
AF Amistad 70.3%
Cross 65.9%
MBA 61.3%
Co-Op 58.2%
Hillhouse 56.4%
Creed/Hyde 50.0%
HSC 49.0%
In-State Colleges & Universities College Graduation Rate
Yale 95.0%
* Sacred Heart, Trinity, Conn College, Wesleyan 93.1%
Quinnipiac 74.2%
UConn 72.1%
SCSU 66.4%
UNewHaven 61.7%
Albertus 60.4%
CCSU 58.5%
ECSU 58.1%
* U Bridgeport, Fairfield U, U Hartford 53.1%
WCSU 47.3%
* Due to limited sample sizes, universities with fewer scholars are grouped together for calculating graduation rates.
New Haven Neighborhoods College Graduation Rate
Westville 77.7%
East Shore 75.6%
Annex 74.5%
Fair Haven Heights 71.6%
East Rock 68.1%
Beaver Hills 67.1%
Fair Haven 65.4%
Amity 63.8%
Dwight 63.3%
The Hill 62.0%
Newhallville 61.5%
West River 60.0%
Downtown 58.3%
Quinnipiac Meadows 57.0%
Wooster Square/Mill River 56.3%
Prospect Hill 56.0%
West Rock 50.0%
Edgewood 48.9%
Dixwell 44.9%