College Graduation Outcomes
New Haven Promise graduation rate, which tops 65% for students who attended four-year colleges, outpaces national rates in every measure. Virtually every segment of students – disaggregated by race, household income or parent education – attains a graduation rate above 60 percent.
Promise Makes A Difference
- A student who qualifies for New Haven Promise is 3.5 times more likely to earn a bachelor’s degree than a student who does not.
- Promise qualifiers are 1.5 times more likely to enroll in college or university directly after high school.
- Promise qualifiers are 1.4 times more likely to persist into a second year of college or university.
- 80% of all scholarship funds that Promise disbursed have resulted directly into a bachelor’s degree.
Promise Graduation Rate Leaderboards
High School | College Graduation Rate |
Career | 79.0% |
ESUMS | 72.7% |
Sound | 72.1% |
Common Ground | 71.4% |
NH Academy | 71.4% |
AF Amistad | 70.3% |
Cross | 65.9% |
MBA | 61.3% |
Co-Op | 58.2% |
Hillhouse | 56.4% |
Creed/Hyde | 50.0% |
HSC | 49.0% |
In-State Colleges & Universities | College Graduation Rate |
Yale | 95.0% |
* Sacred Heart, Trinity, Conn College, Wesleyan | 93.1% |
Quinnipiac | 74.2% |
UConn | 72.1% |
SCSU | 66.4% |
UNewHaven | 61.7% |
Albertus | 60.4% |
CCSU | 58.5% |
ECSU | 58.1% |
* U Bridgeport, Fairfield U, U Hartford | 53.1% |
WCSU | 47.3% |
* Due to limited sample sizes, universities with fewer scholars are grouped together for calculating graduation rates.
New Haven Neighborhoods | College Graduation Rate |
Westville | 77.7% |
East Shore | 75.6% |
Annex | 74.5% |
Fair Haven Heights | 71.6% |
East Rock | 68.1% |
Beaver Hills | 67.1% |
Fair Haven | 65.4% |
Amity | 63.8% |
Dwight | 63.3% |
The Hill | 62.0% |
Newhallville | 61.5% |
West River | 60.0% |
Downtown | 58.3% |
Quinnipiac Meadows | 57.0% |
Wooster Square/Mill River | 56.3% |
Prospect Hill | 56.0% |
West Rock | 50.0% |
Edgewood | 48.9% |
Dixwell | 44.9% |