Neighborhood Results

New Haven Promise’s investment isn’t a trickle-down approach focused solely on downtown. Instead, it provides direct financial support to students and families across all neighborhoods. Our advanced data-driven practices allow us to track metrics for each neighborhood.

Impact By Neighborhood

Promise tracks eight key metrics of impact: scholarship disbursement, number of Scholars, percent of BIPOC Scholars, percent of Scholars from low-income families, percent of first-gen Scholars, number of bachelor’s degrees earned, four-year college graduation rate and paid internship & job placements.

Scholarship Disbursement
Number of Scholars
Percent of BIPOC Scholars
Percent of Scholars from Low-Income Families
Percent of First-Gen Scholars
Number of Bachelor's Degrees
Four-Year College Graduation Rate
Paid Internship & Job Placement
Scholarship Disbursement
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Tableau Map