The Promise Dividend

New Haven Promise’s investment in a homegrown, educated and diverse talent pipeline has yielded significant returns that strengthen neighborhoods and the city economy.

Investment In Sweat Equity & College Financial Aid

As of 2024, Promise has invested a total $76.4 Million in forms of direct scholarship disbursement, Promise-leveraged university grants, federal Pell grant and student’s sweat equity.

Student’s Self-Investment In Sweat Equity

Direct Scholarship Disbursement

Leveraged University Grants

Leveraged Federal Pell Grant

$4.4 Million*

Scholars are required to complete 40 hours of qualified community service during high school. As of 2024, Promise applicants have completed 400,000+ hours of service. 

* Estimated using CT minimum wage of each year. 

$33.5 Million

Promise scholarships directly supported more than 2,800 city students and their families.

$15 Million 

Promise leveraged more benefits for scholars by building partnerships with universities that are committed to offering guaranteed university grants in addition to the Promise scholarship.

$23.5 Million

Promise promotes FAFSA completion through hosting FAFSA Connecticut workshops to help students and families navigate the process of applying for need-based federal financial aid.

Return On Investment

New Haven Promise serves as an economic intervention by boosting college completion rates and fostering career and civic engagement, building a talent pipeline of bachelor’s degree earners with significantly higher lifetime earnings. Promise keeps scholars close to the city where they grow up. 86% of Promise Alumni are returning to the Greater New Haven region, contributing their lifetime earnings to the economy of the city that invested in their success, bringing the investment full circle.

Lifetime Earnings Impact

* From the 2021 The College Payoff Report by the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce. Authors: Anthony P. Carnevale, Ban Cheah and Emma Wenzinger

Scholar Dollars

By 2030, it is expected that 2,000 Promise Scholar Alumni will return to New Haven. They will earn $5.7 BILLION in their lifetime.

Over a lifetime, SCHOLAR DOLLARS are re-invested in our community contributing significantly to a stronger New Haven.

Investment in Career & Professional Development

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